Aug 12, 2023
New Columns Available
We’re so crazy about columns that we just added two more to the Schedule grid!

New “Client” and “Team” columns are now in the lineup of data that can appear in your Schedule view. If you choose to show these columns in your Schedule, you’ll be able to sort and filter data by those designations, depending on what view you’re using.
Here’s the scoop:
“People” views:
- By selecting specific clients in the data filter, you can see all resources with assignments for those clients. Your view will also include resources with no client-related assignments.
“Project” views:
- In these views, data can be sorted alphabetically or reverse alphabetically by the “Project” column or the “Client” column.
- Use the Filter icon
to the left of the view options to see only the projects or phases associated with specific clients.
- “People” views: In these views, you can sort and filter data to see the projects and phases any given team is working on.
- “Project” views: Only people and roles can be assigned to a team, so the “Team” column will remain empty in these views.
Check out this article to see what else you can do with columns! Plus, did you know you can change the data density and other display options in your personal settings? Learn how here.
Visit the Help Center to explore all the other neat things you can do with Audere!