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Multiple Work Calendars 

You get a calendar! YOU get a calendar! EVERYBODY gets a calendar now that account Administrators and Owners can add multiple work calendars in Audere.


Do you have team members who are in different time zones? Resources who work a part-time schedule? Some people on 4-day schedules and others on 5-day schedules? Now, you can create work calendars to fit the needs of your team and assign them to the appropriate resources.  

Once you’ve assigned calendars to your resources, an allocation conflict indicator will appear if you assign someone to work during their non-work hours/days. Flexible calendar settings that you can customize as needed include: 

  • Calendar name
  • First day of the work week
  • Working days
  • Total hours of work per week

For step-by-step instructions and more details on this functionality, check out this article

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